Neo Patwa Blog

Blog po neo na saba-dunya lida, Neo Patwa. A blog (in Neo Patwa, with some English translations) for Neo Patwa, a new international auxiliary language proposal based on creole and pidgin grammar, with a global vocabulary and simple phonology.


Hyejin Kim tene makala nipa Anglo-lida po Hanguk-stan. Mi pensa ta muito lucu di sema. Ce-wela, yan po muito di stan, ta sema nipa Anglo-lida di wenti. Mi pensa lida macam Neo Patwa, ta aca po dunya.

(Hyejin Kim has an article regarding English in Korea. I think it is very interesting discussion. Today, there are discussions on the problem of English in many countries. I think a language like Neo Patwa would be good for the world. )


Maga-Lakwa, Ta Lai
Po Peter Gabriel

Po wela ke noce lai,
Alama puse, po radio,
Saba di gwai di pela,
Ta lai, ta ale, macam wiki di bahaya,
Stela-pwason, ta saba no tene lado po ale,
Ta mate maha di Pasko di maha-moana,
Ale-lado, ta no hefi,
Mi-saba no sabe kime lado.

(Here Comes the Flood
When the night shows, the signals grow on radios
All the strange things, they come and go, as early warnings
Stranded starfish have no place to hide, still waiting for the swollen Easter tide
There’s no point in direction we cannot even choose a side.)


Cika-wela, mi muito lucu po America-stan di stan-kapo di kime-delo. Mi pensa ke Barack Obama, ta nume-wan yan po lai stan-kapo. Satya, mi no muito suka Hillary Clinton, lekin mi pensa ta sabe lai muito aca di stan-kapo. Ta muito aca-kapo, lekin moyo no tene fwego.

(Recently, I've been very interested in the presidential election in the US. I think Barack Obama would be the best president. To be honest, I don't like Hillary Clinton that much, though I think she would also be a good president. She is very intelligent, but somehow her heart doesn't seem warm.)


Po Global Voices Online, Ayesha Saldanha, anda Bahrain, kaki nipa Arabiya-lida. Konti-pela yan-yan, ta sema ke Arabiya-lida muito susa di lida. Ibo, sema di lida, kaki di lida, ta no sama. Ta muito lucu di duman. Mi no sabe ako ta satya, no satya.


Ce-din, mi kaki nipa lamba-din. Yu sabe lamba-din? Lanba-din, ta saba di anyo di din ke tene nume-wan lamba di sol-wela. Po dunya di camal di demi-mandala, ta deka-ni-luna do-deka-wan-din. Satya, kusini di demi-mandala, ta lyu-luna do-deka-wan-sin. Yu kapice? Po Anglo-toki, mi-saba pakai kalim "solstice". Mo, "equinox" mana din po sol-wela mo noce-wela, ta sama.